Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dear Friend

(Once upon a time I was having a miserable life, sometimes I wrote poetry that makes me sad to read now, but thankful that my life is so great)

i can't stop the tears.
but even if i could,
i wouldn't.
the tears help me realize
that i can still love.
i will always love,
i will always love you.

losing you hurts.
more than the words i write
could convey.

at times i am bitter.
for giving, and giving
getting nothing in return.
but because you let me love you
your smallest gestures mean the world.

people are only in our lives
for a season.
our season was cut short.
forced into this cruel winter
to die,
at infancy.
this is all we will ever have.
because soon we will be gone.

but i rejoice.
i rejoice at the thought of you holding up your end of the deal,
leaving though it hurts,
being brave enough to follow
God's plan for you.

there is no way i could forget you.
you're in my mind until the day i die.

dear friend,
i would not be offended,
if your love for me ran out.

dear friend,
i would not be offended,
if someone took my place.

dear friend,
i would not be offended,
if you forgot me.

but dear friend,
when we meet in heaven,
be assured,
i will not have forgotten you.

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