Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Class Experiment

Your chains are tight, feet bound in lead dear girl
The girl who lived a life/misfortune.
For all to hear; if this, if all the world
Drinking, drinking from a gourd every portion
My dress a flowing river of silk, pink
You're bound dear girl by chains, those chains do suck
I do not profess a desire to sink
And down and down; for all of his great luck
Where is the luck that brings honor to family
Smiles abound, laughter around, I'm happy.
Scantily clad in the sky near your mom
I will not make my last remarks too snappy
Or else, if you ignore this plea of mine,
Look at my beauty and all I am fine.

I can only take credit for three of the above lines.
It was an in-class assignment.
And I thought if was neat.

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