One with serious flaws.
I promise with my whole heart that I'm not judging you or your life choices (unless you're parading around like a Christian but being a terrible person... Then I get a little judge-y... Hey-I'm only human). I don't think I'm better than you, I don't want to fight with you, I know what I believe, and I'm not ashamed of it. I have very good friends that are atheists whom I love and respect very much.
Anyway, my whole point of saying that was just kind of a disclaimer, because I'm about to geek out.
Do you ever get so excited about something that you can't sleep?
It happens to me so often. Sleep has become somewhat of a rarity because I've been getting so excited about things.
Lately, I've been totally excited and unable to sleep because I HAVE to keep watching episodes of Oddities.
But, that's not what I'm excited about tonight.
Tonight (for approximately the 8th time in my life) I'm so incredibly excited about Jesus.
It's so random I decided I had to blog about it.
During church, the only thing I remember is pastor Mike talking about The Lion King, but then once I got into membership class (that might sound crazy... It's not cult-ish at all... It's just a class that potential members of the church take to make sure that the church's theology seems to line up with their own personal theology... I mean, I don't want to join a church and then realize that they believe the only way to heaven is through consuming raw eggs every day) it's like, my brain kind of turned on. Pastor Mike (who also happened to be teaching the class this week-purely coincidental) was talking about reading the bible as being something totally compulsory at times. It made me get to thinking... There was a time in my life that I read the bible 500 days in a row. I'm sure that 99% of those times were compulsory, actually, I know so. I only read one chapter a night, I did not read the whole Bible, but I was following a plan. Almost every night I basically thanked God that I was able to get through another chapter. If the chapter was a long one that took more than 5 minutes to read, I would almost certainly become annoyed.
But then I realized in class that I wasn't even doing that anymore. It's not that I'm bored with the word, or God, I just haven't been doing much.
I don't feel like I'm avoiding God, or annoyed or anything- I guess I've just been unintentionally negligent.
I don't mean to say that my random fervor is coming down to me trying to make up for lost time-that's totally inaccurate. What I do mean to say is that I am excited, and it's keeping me from sleep.
I never used to get excited about reading the bible (don't get me wrong, it's still shamefully rare). I think I spent close to 3 solid years of just drudging about, barely studying/reading anything, and never getting excited about learning more about God. But now that I do read/study more, and now that I've stopped (you know, as well as I can) trying to do things on my own accord and with my own strength, I've found that I'm more likely to become randomly jittery and excited just because I am so thankful that God chose me to be one of his children.
Okay, I've purged my excitement out of my system.
Shout-out to Pastor Mike
(totally googled this man, and I'm using this picture without the consent of anyone, because that's how the internet works)
Also, shout-out to Knox Presbyterian Church.
The End.