Sunday, September 23, 2012


Week 2
Domestic goddess

If you don't live on a boat, you probably know that Pinterest has taken over the world.
I know Pinterest causes great schisms among friends on social media sites, but I would like you to know that I really do like Pinterest.
Most of my pins are for crafty-things with the children I watch, or for homemade cleaning products. I secretly love most of the hair pins that show up on my... newsfeed (I don't know what to call that, so I'll stick with newsfeed)? and even though I have very lovely, and very long hair- I have differently-abled fingers that can't do my own hair, so I refrain from re-pinning most of those.

Anyway, the point of me writing this is to tell you of my first Pinterest fail.

Today our house was freezing cold, and I was sitting on the couch, ready to nap, but one of the cats was on the blanket, so I decided to visit my good friend, Pinterest (let's not talk about how I didn't move the cat... I know, I'm not the person I used to be).

Right away, I found this tip for a house deodorizer, I was stoked. Mind you, our house is not smelly, but I always like when the house smells like baked goods. It was simple. Pour a cap-full of vanilla extract into a coffee mug and put it in the oven for 10 minutes. When all is said and done, your house should smell like angel whispers.
Of course I was skeptical, but as I had stated earlier-our house is freezing, and turning the oven on had the potential to help, if only momentarily.
Dude... Don't do it. I mean, yeah... Our kitchen kind of smells like vanilla now. But you know what else it smells like? Crusty oven. We don't even have a bad smelling crusty oven, but if you're just going to heat up a drop of vanilla in an oven that is used nearly every single day in hopes of it making your house smell like a fresh batch of cookies... It's not going to work.
 (Also, in case anyone is worried about me using Shaun's expensive Penzey's vanilla-I didn't. I used some "sweatshop" vanilla from my old apartment.)

I wouldn't say that this was a drastic fail or anything... Not even something blog-worthy, necessarily- I just wanted to alert the masses.