Saturday, November 15, 2008

i have it.

tonight i had a revelation.
i was sitting on my bed, and i put a bobby pin in my hair so my bangs would stop getting in my lip gloss.
not that i care how i look, but i was curious, and too lazy to move to a mirror, so i opened up photo booth so i could see if i had crazy crack hair or not.

anyway, it was at that point, looking into my webcam, i realized...
my life is exactly the way i envisioned it to be when i really thought i'd never be able to go to college.

i have a great life.
even though some things are falling apart around me, and i can't seem to keep a friend in my life for over a year...
i'm in college.
i have an apartment.
with some really great roommates.
i'm completely independent... and not worried about where my next meal is coming from.
not right now anyway.